
Showing posts from May, 2017

AAV: Check out this brilliant Twitter thread

AAV: Check out this brilliant Twitter thread : This is a brilliant Twitter thread from a middle East expert called David Wearing. I'm reproducing it here for the benefit of people ...

AAV: Was the Manchester Atrocity a "false flag" attack

AAV: Was the Manchester Atrocity a "false flag" attack : I've seen rather a few people spreading the idea that the Manchester Arena atrocity was a "false flag" attack orchestrat...

AAV: The polls are being rigged against the young and t...

AAV: The polls are being rigged against the young and t... : The polls are being rigged against young people and the working class. Traditionally polling companies used to weight their polling fig...

AAV: The good, the bad and the fully-costed

AAV: The good, the bad and the fully-costed : The Labour Party manifesto was officially launched today. Before I start my review of it I strongly urge you to read through it for your...

AAV: The systematic Tory abuse of disabled people

AAV: The systematic Tory abuse of disabled people : Don't pretend you don't know. You'd have to have been living in a lead box for the last seven years to not know about at le...