
Showing posts from October, 2017

AAV: The Tory party systematically blackmail their depr...

AAV: The Tory party systematically blackmail their depr... : Theresa May's former Communications Director Kate Perrior has made an explosive allegation that instead of punishing the misconduct o...

AAV: The Tory sex dossier is an absolute mess

AAV: The Tory sex dossier is an absolute mess : I've seen an uncensored copy of the Tory sex pest dossier and it's an absolute mess. The big problem with it is that it's not...

AAV: 10 Economic fairy stories that people need to stop...

AAV: 10 Economic fairy stories that people need to stop... : One of the big problems in the UK is the fact that the vast majority of the 93% of kids who go to state school end up with no economics e...